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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Stuff (1985)

The Stuff

Release Date: 1985

Rating: * * * 1/2

By John Engell September 12, 2012 

From Master of Horror Larry Cohen ("It's Alive") comes "The Stuff." The Stuff in question is a white, fluff-like substance that springs naturally from the Earth. After the delicious goop is discovered it is quickly put into distribution and marketed to the masses as a tasty, low-calorie alternative to ice cream. Junk food bigwigs get nervous over their new competition, and after their failed attempts to analyze the goo or convince insiders to talk about it, they hire former FBI agent turned spy Mo Rutherford (the marvelous Michael Moriarty) to find the secret to the Stuff.

Turns out the Stuff is as addictive and dangerous as any drug. It has infiltrated and compromised the FDA and it is poisoning the public. It is a parasite in need of a host, and it’s turning the community into veritable “pod people.” Rutherford is able to convince Nicole, the PR person behind the product, to accompany him on his campaign to stop the Stuff. They are joined on their journey by disgruntled out-of-work businessman Chocolate Chip Charlie, a paranoid  recluse, Colonel Malcolm Grommett Spears and Jason, a young boy who was suspect of the Stuff from the beginning and has subsequently escaped his home after his parents and brother were turned into “stuffies.” With much memorable dialogue and true blue-collar special effects, "The Stuff" has an ending as satisfying as any dessert. 

"The Stuff" is quintessential 80’s filmmaking. It is clearly a statement on American consumerism and our craze happy culture’s desire to conform. But social commentary aside, this is a real gem of the genre. Well written, and real fun to watch. For this type of fare, "The Stuff" receives a well deserved A. They just don’t make them like this anymore.

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